Saltillo ← Go back LOCATION: SaltilloTYPE OF WASTE ADDRESSED: DefectsDATE: 03/12/2024NAME: Roberto Camacho FonsecaDEPARTMENT: HRBEFOREAFTERIMPROVEMENTSZero defects or rejections with the Honewell client, contain any rejection in the plant and immediately correct and standardize acceptance criteria in certified operators, ensuring quality in the first attempt. /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/revere_logo_new2-1-300x138.png 0 0 Derek Swanson /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/revere_logo_new2-1-300x138.png Derek Swanson2024-04-16 18:30:422024-06-24 15:43:19Saltillo